Why I Take a Cyber Sabbath (Apr 2021)
Leave your cell phone behind and rest — and see what wonder this world has to offer! This post was originally published on Christians...
Why I Take a Cyber Sabbath (Apr 2021)
Staying Consequences (Dec 2020)
Book Review - Prayers of the Cosmos by Neal Douglas-Klotz (Oct 2020)
Lenten Practice: Deep Listening and Scriptural Reflection (Feb 2020)
A Place in Between (Aug 2020)
Epiphany 2020 - A Personal Walk to Bethlehem
Mary's Cape A Restorative Practice (Dec 2019)
Breathe in me Breath of God - A Practice (Nov 2019)
Herstory about throwing baby Jesus out with the bathwater of the church's teachings (Oct 2019)